Monday, November 6, 2017

Do You Have Uneven Floors? Here's How House Leveling Works

floor leveling los angeles Thanks to California’s active seismic zones, many structures will develop a slope and become unleveled over time. This is commonly found on properties that have been built on expansive soil, where foundation settlement is unavoidable.

When a house becomes sloped or unleveled, a homeowner will typically see signs of foundation damage like uneven floors, cracked walls and ceilings, or doors and windows that do not open or close correctly.

Luckily, trained foundation specialists like Julian Construction can bring your home back to a level position, keeping your family and your property safe.

There are several ways a contractor may level your home. If your foundation issues are the result of foundation settlement, your foundation repair contractor may employ a jack to raise your home to a level position. While your home is raised, the contractor will examine the root of your home’s foundation settlement and implement a solution, so the problem does not persist.

A contractor may also suggest installing house leveling supporters. This is done by fitting metal or concrete supports into the foundation. Supports may be driven into the ground or installed under the home, in the crawl space, to support the structure’s weight.

  house leveling contractors
Sometimes house leveling issues are the result of rotten wood. If this is the case, a contractor will repair or replace the wooden joists that are used to support your home’s foundation. By replacing the damaged wood, the foundation will rest evenly.

Because of California’s expansive soil, it’s also up to the homeowner to make sure the house stays level after foundation repair. Extra care should be taken to ensure standing water and other aspects of the home’s irrigation system are kept away from its foundation. When the soil beneath the home becomes extremely wet, this can cause it to move, making the property structurally unbalanced.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

¿Tienes suelos irregulares? Así es cómo funciona la nivelación de casas

Gracias a las zonas sísmicas activas de California, muchas estructuras desarrollarán una pendiente y se desmantelarán con el tiempo. Esto se encuentra comúnmente en propiedades que se han construido en suelo expansivo, donde el asentamiento de cimientos es inevitable.

  floor leveling los angeles
Cuando una casa se inclina o se desmonta, el propietario generalmente verá signos de daños en la cimentación, como pisos irregulares, paredes y techos rajados, o puertas y ventanas que no se abren ni cierran correctamente.

Afortunadamente, los especialistas en fundaciones como Julian Construction pueden devolver su hogar a una posición nivelada, manteniendo a su familia y su propiedad a salvo.

Hay varias maneras en que un contratista puede nivelar su hogar. Si los problemas de su fundación son el resultado de la liquidación de la fundación, su contratista de reparación de la fundación puede emplear un gato para elevar su casa a una posición nivelada. Mientras su casa se levanta, el contratista examinará la raíz del asentamiento de la fundación de su casa e implementará una solución, para que el problema no persista.

Un contratista también puede sugerir instalar partidarios de nivelación de la casa. Esto se hace colocando soportes de metal o concreto en la base. Los soportes pueden introducirse en el suelo o instalarse debajo de la casa, en el espacio de arrastre, para soportar el peso de la estructura.

  house leveling contractors
A veces, los problemas de nivelación de la casa son el resultado de la madera podrida. Si este es el caso, un contratista reparará o reemplazará las vigas de madera que se utilizan para apoyar la base de su hogar. Al reemplazar la madera dañada, la base descansará de manera uniforme.

Debido al suelo expansivo de California, también le corresponde al propietario asegurarse de que la casa se mantenga nivelada después de la reparación de la fundación. Se debe tener especial cuidado para garantizar que el agua estancada y otros aspectos del sistema de irrigación de la casa se mantengan alejados de su base. Cuando el suelo debajo de la casa se vuelve extremadamente húmedo, esto puede hacer que se mueva, lo que hace que la propiedad esté estructuralmente desequilibrada.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos en Los Ángeles que ninguna otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Everything You Need To Know About Earthquake Retrofitting

earthquake retrofitting As a California resident, you know the “Big One” is coming.

After Mexico's massive earthquakes in September, we saw what kind of damage a 7-8 magnitude quake can cause. Several buildings collapsed because of the violent shaking, leaving almost 300 people dead.

But, that doesn’t have to be your fate.

Thanks to advances in structural engineering, foundation specialists like Julian Construction, can retrofit your home or apartment complex, to better withstand the ferocious shaking of a massive temblor.

The main purpose of earthquake retrofitting is to ensure that your property does not get thrown off its foundation.

There are several ways a foundation contractor can retrofit a building. If the home has a crawl space, cripple wall bracing may be used to reinforce the foundation. This is done using structural grade plywood. Next, holdown brackets may be used to connect the cripple wall framing to the foundation to increase its resistance. Then foundation bolts are used with square-fitted plate washers to increase the structure’s strength.
foundation contractor los angeles If your home does not have cripple walls, that means the property’s floor framing sits directly on the mudsill.
While this is typically found in newer homes, and is considered less dangerous than homes built with cripple walls, the connection of the floor to the framing often needs reinforcement for total seismic safety.
Many times, you’ll see “toenails” used to hold these structures in place. But, these “toenails” have been proven too weak to withstand a major earthquake, which is why strong seismic movement can cause the structure to slip off its foundation.

When you're reinforcing a property’s framing connection to its foundation, a contractor may use a custom connection, like Angle Iron Struts, to lock the structure in place.

And if your property is considered a “soft story,” meaning there’s been a room built over a large open space like tuck-under-parking, a foundation specialist may recommend reinforcing the “soft” area of the structure by installing plywood bracing along the walls and openings. If this type of support doesn’t work with the structure, a steel moment frame may be used as another retrofit option.

After the devastating earthquakes that shook Mexico last month, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti made a public plea, urging local governments and building owners to get all structures in southern California up to seismic safety code as soon as possible.

“What’s more expensive, the loss of your entire property – let alone the loss of lives – or the investment in making sure that no earthquake of that size will destroy your building or kill anyone?” he asked Angelinos.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Todo lo que necesita saber sobre el reajuste de terremotos

earthquake retrofittingComo residente de California, sabes que viene el "Gran Uno".

Después de los terremotos masivos de México en septiembre, vimos qué tipo de daños puede causar un terremoto de magnitud 7-8. Varios edificios colapsaron debido a la violenta sacudida, dejando casi 300 personas muertas.

Pero, ese no tiene que ser tu destino.

Gracias a los avances en la ingeniería estructural, los especialistas de la fundación, como Julian Construction, pueden modernizar su casa o complejo de apartamentos para resistir mejor el temblor feroz de un terremoto masivo.

El objetivo principal de la adaptación de terremotos es garantizar que su propiedad no se deshaga de su base.

Hay varias maneras en que un contratista básico puede modernizar un edificio. Si la casa tiene un espacio de arrastre, se pueden usar arriostramientos de pared para reforzar la base. Esto se hace usando madera contrachapada de calidad estructural. A continuación, se pueden usar soportes de holgura para conectar la estructura de la pared lisiada a la base para aumentar su resistencia. Luego, los pernos de base se usan con arandelas de placas cuadradas para aumentar la resistencia de la estructura.

Si su casa no tiene paredes paralizadas, eso significa que el encuadre del piso de la propiedad se encuentra directamente en el barro. Si bien esto se encuentra típicamente en las casas más nuevas, y se considera menos peligroso que las casas construidas con paredes paralizadas, la conexión del piso con el bastidor a menudo necesita un refuerzo para una seguridad sísmica total.

Muchas veces, verá "uñas de los pies" utilizadas para mantener estas estructuras en su lugar. Sin embargo, estas "uñas de los pies" se han demostrado demasiado débiles para resistir un gran terremoto, por lo que un fuerte movimiento sísmico puede hacer que la estructura se deslice desde su base.
foundation contractor los angeles
Cuando refuerza la conexión de encuadre de una propiedad a su base, un contratista puede usar una conexión personalizada, como Angle Iron Struts, para bloquear la estructura en su lugar.

Y si su propiedad se considera una "historia suave", lo que significa que ha habido una habitación construida sobre un gran espacio abierto como estacionamiento bajo techo, un especialista en cimientos puede recomendar reforzar el área "suave" de la estructura instalando contrachapado de madera contrachapada a lo largo del paredes y aberturas. Si este tipo de soporte no funciona con la estructura, un marco de momento de acero se puede utilizar como otra opción de actualización.

Después de los devastadores terremotos que sacudieron a México el mes pasado, el alcalde de Los Ángeles, Eric Garcetti, hizo un llamado público para instar a los gobiernos locales y propietarios de edificios a que suban todas las estructuras del sur de California al código de seguridad sísmica lo antes posible.

"¿Qué es más caro, la pérdida de toda su propiedad, y mucho menos la pérdida de vidas, o la inversión para asegurarse de que ningún terremoto de ese tamaño destruirá su edificio o matará a nadie?", Le preguntó a Angelinos.

Ahora, más que nunca, es importante ser proactivo en la preparación y seguridad de los terremotos.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos en Los Ángeles que ninguna otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

El alcalde Eric Garcetti solicita que se realicen reformas en el terremoto antes de que "Big One" llegue a Los Ángeles

earthquake damage
Los dos terremotos masivos de México -con menos de dos semanas de diferencia- han provocado ondas de choque en los residentes y funcionarios locales en California.

Tanto es así, que el alcalde de Los Ángeles, Eric Garcetti, está instando a los gobiernos ya los dueños de edificios locales en California a que pongan todas las estructuras al código de seguridad sísmica lo antes posible.

Después del devastador terremoto de magnitud 7,1 golpeado justo fuera de la Ciudad de México, varios edificios se derrumbaron al suelo - y la destrucción fue capturada en video.

"Cualquier propietario de un edificio que piense que deberían sentarse y relajarse durante los próximos 20 años debería ver ese video", dijo Garcetti en un comunicado, mientras instaba a los propietarios de edificios locales a que sus propiedades fueran readaptadas. "Y vamos a averiguar una manera de llegar a trabajar ahora."

"¿Qué es más caro, la pérdida de toda su propiedad - y mucho menos la pérdida de vidas - o la inversión para asegurarse de que ningún terremoto de ese tamaño destruirá su edificio o matará a alguien?", Preguntó.

Según los ingenieros estructurales, la razón principal de que esos edificios se derrumbaron en México fue porque estaban construidos con "concreto frágil" y no habían sido adecuadamente adaptados para la seguridad sísmica. Por suerte, Los Ángeles ha comenzado lentamente pero con seguridad a rehabilitar edificios en todo el condado, gracias a la legislación propuesta por Garcetti en 2015.

La ley exige que los propietarios de edificios de hormigón tienen 25 años para reacondicionar sus propiedades, mientras que los dueños de edificios de apartamentos de madera deben tener sus estructuras reacondicionadas en 7 años.

Pero, con los dos terremotos de magnitud 7 y más altos de México, además del terremoto de 6,1 que sacudió a Japón la semana pasada, Garceti está pidiendo a los dueños de edificios que tomen acción ahora.

"Mirar esas horribles imágenes y ver la trágica consecuencia me recordó a nuestra responsabilidad No. 1 de salvar vidas y no sólo tratar de calcular una cantidad en dólares de 'demasiado' para salvar una vida", enfatizó. "Dicho esto, también me hace sentir incómodo pensando en los 25 años - elegimos el compromiso de ... poner un mandato que es muy fuerte, y que eran muy flexibles sobre el calendario"

Santa Mónica ha ido incluso un paso más allá de Los Ángeles, lo que requiere la adaptación de todas las estructuras de acero de marco vulnerable en toda la ciudad.

"Si la ciudad más grande del estado puede hacer esto, también puede hacerlo, también, en su propio patio trasero", instó a otros residentes de California.

Ahora, más que nunca, es importante ser proactivo sobre la preparación y la seguridad del terremoto.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, los contratistas de la fundación y la reparación de la fundación. La empresa Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15.000 estructuras, trabajando con empresas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha hecho más reparación de la fundación en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área sobre los últimos cinco años.

Mayor Eric Garcetti Urging Earthquake Retrofits Before “Big One” Hits Los Angeles

earthquake damage
Mexico’s two massive earthquakes – less than just two weeks apart – has sent shockwaves throughout residents and local officials in California.

So much so, that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is urging governments and local building owners throughout California to get all structures up to seismic safety code as soon as possible.

After the devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck just outside of Mexico City, several buildings collapsed to the ground – and the destruction was captured on video.

“Any building owner who thinks they should sit back and relax for the next 20 years should view that video,” Garcetti said in a statement, as he urged local building owners to get their properties retrofitted. “And let’s figure out a way to get to work now.”

“What’s more expensive, the loss of your entire property – let alone the loss of lives – or the investment in making sure that no earthquake of that size will destroy your building or kill anyone?” he asked.

According to structural engineers, the main reason those buildings collapsed in Mexico was because they were constructed with “brittle concrete” and had not been properly retrofitted for seismic safety.
Luckily, Los Angeles has slowly but surely started to retrofit buildings throughout the county, thanks to legislation Garcetti proposed in 2015.

The law requires that concrete building owners have 25 years to retrofit their properties, while wooden apartment building owners must have their structures retrofitted in 7 years.

But, with Mexico’s two 7 magnitude and higher earthquakes, in addition to the 6.1 earthquake that shook Japan last week, Garceti is asking building owners to take action now.

“Looking at those horrific images and seeing the tragic consequence reminded me of our No. 1 responsibility to save lives and not just try to calculate a dollar amount of, ‘too much,’ to save a life,” he stressed. “That said, it also makes me uneasy thinking of the 25 years – we picked the compromise of … putting a mandate that’s very strong, and we were very flexible about the timeline.”

Santa Monica has gone even one step further than Los Angeles, requiring the retrofit of all vulnerable steel-frame structures throughout the city.

“If the biggest city in the state can do this, then you can do it, too, in your own backyard,” he urged other California residents.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building and safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Earthquake Emergency Kit: What Should You Have?

earthquake emergency kit
Angelenos need to be preparing for the “Big One”

With two huge earthquakes striking Mexico -- less than two weeks apart -- and a large earthquake hitting the Pacific (near Japan), now is a good time to make sure you’re ready for substantial seismic activity.

Every earthquake emergency kit should have enough supplies to last you for at least three days. The most important items are obviously water, food and First Aid, but if you’re stuck for three days or more without water and power, you’ll want to include much more in your kit.

See Julian Construction’s Recommendations for an Earthquake Emergency Supply Kit Below

Water: You’ll want at least a 3-day supply of water for each person in your household, and each person will need about 1-gallon of water per day. Remember to include enough water for your pets and a little extra for children, nursing mothers and any elderly or sick people. You’ll want to store your water in plastic containers, such as soft drink bottles. Don’t keep water in any material that can decompose, and you’ll want to change the water every six months.

Food: Keep a 3-day supply of non-perishable, ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables milk, juices and soups. Only use foods that require no refrigeration, cooking and very little water. Make sure to pack a manual can opener, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, in addition to food for your pets. You can also include:

Protein or fruit bars
Dry cereal or granola
Peanut butter
Dried fruit & Nuts
Comfort foods (cookies, candy, coffee and tea)

First Aid Kit: During or after a sizeable earthquake, there may be injuries inflicted from the damage. People can be cut, burned or suffering from other wounds which require medical attention. Pack a First Aid kit that has basic supplies, which will allow you to treat minor injuries on the spot. You should have:

Soap and antibiotic sanitizer
Sterile gloves
Antibiotic ointment
Burn ointment
Bandages of many sizes
Eye drops and/or contact solution
Prescription medications
First Aid manual/book
Non-prescription drugs (like aspirin or other pain relievers)

Electronics & Other Items: After a major disaster, you may be without electricity, gas, cell service and internet. You can prepare for this by packing:

Fully charged cell phone, battery back and extra phone charger
Battery-powered radio
Extra batteries
Whistle (to signal for help)
Dust mask or cotton shirt to help filter air
Moist towelettes for sanitation
Wrench or pliers
Plastic sheeting and duct tape for shelter
Garbage bags
Paper towels
Cash or travelers checks
Fire extinguisher
Compass and maps
Signal flare
Matches and lighters
Paper, pencil & pens
Feminine supplies
Extra eye glasses, contact lenses
Personal hygiene items
Copies of important documents or family records

Clothing and Blankets: In addition to the supplies listed above, if you have to evacuate from your home you will need extra clothing & blankets. You'll want to pack one complete change of clothes, a jacket or coat, long pants, a long-sleeve shirt, strong shoes, a hat and gloves, rain gear and a sleeping bag.

Plan for babies & seniors: If you have an infant, you will want to include formula, diapers, bottles, powdered milk, medications, moist towelettes and diaper rash ointment.

For senior citizens, you’ll want a list of their prescription medications, extra eye-glasses and hearing aid batteries, a list of the style and serial numbers for medical devices, extra oxygen, wheelchair, copies of medical insurance, list of doctors and emergency contacts, in addition to all other emergency supplies.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

What Does Earthquake Magnitude Really Mean?

earthquake magnitude
With two massive earthquakes striking Mexico, less than two weeks apart – one at a 7.1 and one at an 8.1 magnitude – it’s important to understand how seismologist weigh the size of a quake.

According to today’s science, the magnitude of a temblor is determined by the amount of energy released by the shaking.

For an earthquake to go up one whole magnitude, that means the strength of the quake increased by 32 times.

This would mean that a 5 magnitude earthquake is 32 times greater than a 4 magnitude earthquake and that an 8 magnitude earthquake is 1,000 times greater than a 6 magnitude earthquake.

These calculations matter a great deal, especially when examining the difference between the 8.2 earthquake seismologists predict will hit the San Andreas fault (which runs through Los Angeles), in comparison to the 6.7 earthquake that devastated Northridge in 1994.

Magnitude especially matters when talking about active earthquake areas near densely populated regions. That’s why Mexico’s 8.1 earthquake was far less deadly than the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit just outside of their capital, Mexico City.

Any earthquake over a 6 magnitude raises concerns. It’s these types of tremors that can damage buildings and move furniture, especially in non-retrofitted structures. While a size 7 magnitude earthquake or greater can throw furniture and inflict damage to the newest of structures.

Also this week, Japan experienced 6.1 earthquake 185 miles from Ishinomaki and New Zealand had a 6.1 earthquake 381 miles from Invercargill.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

225 personas muertas después de terremoto 7.1 golpea el centro de México

mexico earthquakeJusto a las afueras de la ciudad de México, la capital de México, un devastador terremoto de magnitud 7,1 golpeó el área el martes.

El temblor masivo colapsó 27 edificios en toda la capital, que tomó el peso del daño.

Hasta el momento, 225 personas han muerto debido a la destrucción (y ese número sigue aumentando), con la mayoría de las muertes reportadas en los estados de Morelos y México, y en la Ciudad de México.

Este es el segundo terremoto de magnitud 7+ que golpeó a México en sólo dos semanas, y el último se produjo en el aniversario del temblor destructivo de México de 1985.

No sólo fue el terremoto masivo, también fue superficial, ocurriendo sólo 51 km bajo tierra. Cuanto más bajo es un terremoto, más destructivo tiende a ser.

La presidenta Peña Nieto dijo a los ciudadanos de México: "Estamos ante una nueva emergencia nacional".

Muchos tomaron a las redes sociales para compartir imágenes del terremoto. -Gracias, Dios, por mantenernos seguros una vez más. Llegamos a experimentar otro terrible terremoto, esta vez durante un scout de localización ", dijo Ricardo Ramos, productor de televisión de Los Ángeles, compartiendo un espeluznante video de la sacudida.

Hace apenas más de una semana, México experimentó un terremoto de magnitud 8,1 frente a su costa sur, que causó la muerte de 90 personas.

Ahora, más que nunca, es importante ser proactivo sobre la preparación y la seguridad del terremoto.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, los contratistas de la fundación y la reparación de la fundación. La empresa Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15.000 estructuras, trabajando con empresas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha hecho más reparación de la fundación en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área sobre los últimos cinco años.

225 People Dead After 7.1 Earthquake Strikes Central Mexico

mexico earthquake Just outside of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, a devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the area on Tuesday.

The massive temblor collapsed 27 buildings throughout the capital, which took the brunt of the damage.

So far, 225 people have died due to the destruction (and that number keeps rising), with the majority of the deaths reported from Morelos and Mexico States, and Mexico City.

This is the second 7+ magnitude earthquake to strike Mexico in just two weeks, with the latest one falling on the anniversary of Mexico's destructive tremor of 1985.

Not only was the earthquake massive in size, it was also superficial, occurring just 51 km below ground. The more shallow an earthquake is, the more destructive it tends to be.

President Pena Nieto told Mexico’s citizens, “We are facing a new national emergency."

Many took to social media to share footage of the quake. "Thank you, God, for keeping us safe once again. We got to experience another terrible #earthquake, this time during a location scout," Los Angeles TV Producer Ricardo Ramos shared with a scary video of the shaking.

Just over one week ago, Mexico experienced an 8.1 magnitude earthquake off their southern coast, which killed 90 people.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

3.6 El terremoto sacude Los Ángeles, se sentía de Westwood a San Fernando Valley

los angeles earthquake
Afortunadamente, no hubo daños reportados. De hecho, Los Ángeles recibe terremotos de este tamaño con relativa frecuencia.

"Recibimos estos terremotos de tamaño con bastante frecuencia", el sismólogo Zachary Reeves al Los Angeles Times. "Cualquier daño severo sería bastante improbable".

Una réplica de 2,0 años siguió al terremoto.

A principios de este mes, se informó que los sismólogos están trabajando para publicar pronósticos de terremotos para el público. Utilizando datos de terremotos más pequeños - similar al shaker de 3,6 del lunes - para predecir terremotos más grandes por venir.

Mientras que se creía previamente que los temblors más pequeños relevan la tensión en líneas de avería importantes, el sismólogo ahora dice que la probabilidad de un terremoto grande se levanta si la actividad sísmica moderada ocurre cerca de una línea de falla grande.

"Los grandes terremotos pueden venir en grupos. Y uno puede desencadenar el otro ", dijo el sismólogo estadounidense Ned Field, autor del nuevo modelo de pronóstico. "Si usted tiene más cosas pequeñas surgiendo, usted tiene más oportunidades para que uno de esos crezca en algo grande," campo agregado.

Afortunadamente, la coctelera del lunes estaba en una falla de tendencia al este y era "demasiado pequeña para asignar a una falla mapeada", según los sismólogos Lucy Jones.

Ahora, más que nunca, es importante ser proactivo sobre la preparación y la seguridad del terremoto.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, los contratistas de la fundación y la reparación de la fundación. La empresa Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15.000 estructuras, trabajando con empresas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha hecho más reparación de la fundación en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área sobre los últimos cinco años.

3.6 Earthquake Rattles Los Angeles, Felt from Westwood to San Fernando Valley

los angeles earthquake

Sleepy Angelinos were awakened by a 3.6 earthquake Monday night.

The tremor struck the Westwood area around 11:20 pm, with the epicenter located just west of the Sepulveda Pass of the 405 freeway.

The U.S. Geological Survey categorized the quake as a 4 and 5 intensity, which was predominately felt near Westwood and into the San Fernando Valley, with residents also reporting shaking from Los Feliz, Silver Lake and Glendale.

Luckily, there was no damage reported. In fact, Los Angeles gets earthquakes of this size relatively frequently.

“We get these size earthquakes fairly frequently,” seismologist Zachary Reeves to the Los Angeles Times. “Any severe damage would be pretty unlikely.”

A 2.0 aftershock followed the earthquake.

Earlier this month, it was reported that seismologists are working to release earthquake forecasts for the public. Using data from smaller quakes – similar to Monday’s 3.6 shaker – to predict larger earthquakes to come.

While it was previously believed that smaller temblors relieve stress on major fault lines, seismologist now say the likelihood of a large earthquake rises if moderate seismic activity occurs near a large fault line.

“Big earthquakes can come in clusters. And one can trigger the other,” U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Ned Field, author of the new forecasting model told the Times.

“If you have more little things popping off, you have more opportunities for one of those to grow into something big,” Field added.

Fortunately, Monday’s shaker was on an east-trending fault and was “too small to assign to a mapped fault,” according to seismologists Lucy Jones.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Sismólogos Esperan dar Pronósticos de Terremotos Públicos

Mientras que los sismólogos no pueden predecir exactamente cuándo y dónde ocurrirá el próximo gran terremoto, muchos esperan proporcionar al público un servicio de pronóstico sísmico que informaría a las diversas comunidades de California sobre cuándo y dónde es más probable que ocurran las posibilidades de un terremoto mayor.

"Creo que la era del pronóstico del tiempo sísmico está sobre nosotros", dijo el sismólogo Thomas H. Jordan al diario Los Angeles Times.

"Ahora, no podemos hacer el tipo de predicciones detalladas que los meteorólogos pueden hacer", explicó. Pero no es que no sepamos nada. Sabemos algo ... En mi opinión, usted quiere que el público sepa todo lo que los sismólogos conocen, y básicamente podemos darle un pronóstico sobre una base semanal o diaria ".

Los sismólogos, como Jordan, están presionando por una aplicación que podría actualizar un mapa que muestra diferentes áreas de California que están en mayor riesgo de un terremoto.

De manera similar a los patrones climáticos siguientes, los sismólogos siguen cuando los terremotos más pequeños afectan a puntos sensibles - áreas próximas a una falla mayor (como la falla de San Andreas) - que aumentan las posibilidades de activar fallas mayores.

Por ejemplo, un pequeño terremoto que ocurre junto a la línea de falla de San Andrés en Los Ángeles podría desencadenar un terremoto de magnitud 7 o mayor.

A diferencia de la previsión meteorológica, las previsiones de terremotos tienen mayor margen de error. Según datos recientemente publicados en las Seismological Research Letters, sólo la mitad de los grandes terremotos son precedidos por temblores más pequeños.

La última vez que California experimentó un terremoto de una magnitud 7 o más fue en 1857. Antes de que el terremoto de 7,8 ocurriera, terremotos más pequeños ocurrieron cerca de la punta septentrional de la falla de San Andreas.

Llevando hasta el terremoto masivo, 6.1 y 5.6 terremotos de magnitud lo precedieron. Luego, apenas dos horas más tarde, el terremoto de 7,8 grados golpeó el condado de Monterey y bajó a Los Ángeles en sólo dos minutos.

"Los grandes terremotos pueden venir en racimos. Y uno puede desencadenar el otro ", explicó el sismólogo estadounidense Ned Field.

Aunque anteriormente se creía que los terremotos más pequeños alivian el estrés en la zona, los sismólogos ahora están sugiriendo que los terremotos aumentados en una sola área podrían señalar un "aumento de estrés" que podría predecir un terremoto más grande por venir.

Ahora, más que nunca, es importante ser proactivo sobre la preparación y la seguridad del terremoto.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, los contratistas de la fundación y la reparación de la fundación. La empresa Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15.000 estructuras, trabajando con empresas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha hecho más reparación de la fundación en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área sobre los últimos cinco años.

Seismologists Hoping to Give Public Earthquake Forecasts

While seismologists cannot predict exactly when and where the next major earthquake will occur, many are hoping to provide the public with an earthquake forecast service that would inform California's various communities of when and where the chances for a major earthquake are more likely to happen.

“I think the age of seismic weather forecasting is upon us,” seismologists Thomas H. Jordan told the Los Angeles Times.

“Now, we can’t make the kind of detailed predictions that meteorologists can make,” he explained. “But it’s not like we know nothing. We know something … In my view, you want the public to know everything the seismologists know, and we can basically give you a forecast on a weekly basis or daily basis.”

Seismologists, like Jordan, are pushing for an app that would be able to update a map that shows different areas of California that are at a higher risk for an earthquake.

Similar to following weather patterns, seismologists follow when smaller earthquakes strike sensitive spots – areas next to a major fault line (like the San Andreas fault) – which increase the chances of activating larger faults.

For example, a small earthquake that occurs next to Los Angeles’ San Andreas fault line could trigger a magnitude 7 or higher earthquake.

Unlike weather forecasting, earthquake forecasts have more room for error. According to data recently published in the Seismological Research Letters, only half of large earthquakes are preceded by smaller tremors.

The last time California experienced an earthquake of a 7 magnitude or higher was back in 1857. Before the 7.8 earthquake erupted, smaller earthquakes occurred near the northern tip of the San Andreas fault.

Leading up to the massive quake, 6.1 and a 5.6 magnitude earthquakes preceded it. Then, just two hours later, the 7.8 quake struck Monterey County and made its way down to Los Angeles in just two minutes.

“Big earthquakes can come in clusters. And one can trigger the other,” U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Ned Field explained.

While it was previously believed that smaller earthquakes relieve pent-up stress in the area, seismologists are now suggesting that increased earthquakes in one single area could signal “increased stress” which would predict a larger earthquake to come.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Strongest Earthquake in 100 Years Strikes Mexico, 32 People Dead

mexico earthquake
An 8.1 earthquake shook Mexico’s southern coast just before midnight on Thursday. The massive quake is the largest earthquake Mexico’s encountered in nearly 100 years.

The seismic activity was felt from Mexico City all the way to Guatemala, leaving 32 people dead.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued a red alert after the earthquake, warning of  human loss and widespread damage.

"High casualties and extensive damage are probable and the disaster is likely widespread. Past red alerts have required a national or international response," the alert read.

The earthquake likewise triggered a tsunami warning in Mexico, with the National Weather Service Pacific Tsunami Warning predicting waves as tall as 10 feet headed for the coast of Mexico.

Already, 1.85 million homes in the country have lost power and water, which may take up to 48 hours to be restored.

Aftershocks from the quake have added to the devastation, with at least five tremors – measuring above a 5.0 magnitude -- already recorded.

As the eastern regions of the United States prepare for Hurricane Irma’s landfall, Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti, warned Angelinos about the possibility of such an earthquake affecting Southern California.
los angeles “Friendship means standing together in good times and bad, and the thoughts of all Angelenos are with the people of southern Mexico who are recovering today following last night’s powerful earthquake,” Mayor Garcetti said in a statement about Mexico’s massive earthquake.

Garcetti likewise urged Californians to be proactive about earthquake safety, especially in the wake of such a devastating disaster.

“Californians are well-acquainted with the devastating potential of seismic activity, and the City of Los Angeles is proactively preparing for a disaster that is widely understood to be a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if,’” his statement continued.

“Angelenos should be informed about what the City is doing to preserve life and property in the event of a major earthquake. Everyone in Los Angeles is encouraged to review the preparedness tips compiled by the Red Cross, and take the necessary steps to prepare their own families and communities — such as storing food and water, and developing readiness plans,” he concluded.

California is currently working on an early earthquake warning system, in addition to Los Angeles’ recent measure requiring the seismic retrofit of all wood-frame, soft story structures.

Recent data showed that the San Andreas fault line is due for a major earthquake, with some seismologists predicting an 8.2 in magnitude.

Since earthquakes started being recorded, a quake has occurred along the San Andreas fault line – near areas like the Grapevine – every 100 years, and it’s been 160 years since the last major earthquake occurred there.

“With 300 miles of fault all going in the same earthquake, you have everybody affected at the same time,” seismologist Lucy Jones told the L.A. Times. “The San Andreas is the one that will produce the earthquake that’s going to cause damage in every city.”

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Buying a Home? Here's How to Tell if the Foundation is Structurally Sound

Purchasing a home is a major investment.

If you’ve been looking at properties that were built before 1930, there’s a chance these buildings may have some foundation issues.

Here are 4 things to be on the look for when shopping for older real estate:
  1. Doors and windows that stick: While this may not sound like a huge issue – let alone a deal breaker – when a property’s doors and windows begin to stick, this could mean there are larger problems with the home’s foundation. Whether the foundation’s structural supports have improper spacing or are rotting, both can be expensive to repair and/or replace.
  2. Uneven/sloping floors: While doing your walk-through, if you notice uneven or sloping floors, this should be a big red flag. For starters, this means the home is not level. The underlying causes for this can range from cracks in the property’s foundation to severe damage, rotting or settlement to its supporting structures (like its posts, piers, girders, joists or even its footings).
  3. Cracks in the walls above the building’s doors and windows: If cracks in these areas look like they’re growing in length and/or width, this can also be a sign of foundation damage. It’s important to note how easy it is to mask these types of cracks with simple repairs, so if you see fresh paint or other repairs in these areas, make sure you ask the agent about what work has been done to the home and why.
  4. Foundation cracks: Finally, after you have inspected the home’s interior and exterior, ask to see the basement or crawl space of the structure. If you see any cracks in the walls, be sure to contact a foundation inspector to examine the area. Foundation repair companies, like Julian Construction, can conduct a thorough inspection before you purchase the property.
Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Here's Why Your Brick Foundation Needs Replacement

brick foundation repair
Brick foundations are very common in Los Angeles.

However, properties that were built before 1910 with a brick foundation, might not have the necessary structural reinforcement needed to survive an earthquake.

Brick foundations that have been constructed without reinforced steel are identified as “unreinforced masonry,” and typically require foundation replacement.

It’s important to identify and remedy any signs of foundation problems early on.

brick foundation replacement los angeles On the exterior if you’ve noticed any cracks, missing bricks or grout that's turning to powder, it’s important to get your foundation inspected by a professional foundation contractor.

And on the interior, if you have any doors or windows that stick, your floors slope or are uneven, have hairline fractures in your tile or walls, these could all be signs that your brick foundation is failing.

There are a few repair methods a foundation company can use to fix structural issues with your brick foundation.

First, a foundation specialist will do a detailed assessment of your structure. From there, they’ll suggest which repair option will be the best correction method to fix your foundation.

Most likely, you contractor will recommend installing a sister foundation or doing a completely new foundation.

Like most structures, brick foundations will wear out over time. Wet soil, seismic activity and deterioration of the mortar that holds the bricks together, can all lead to degradation and damage to your foundation.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Budget Cuts May Kill California’s Earthquake Warning System

The early earthquake warning system, which has received approval from elected officials in both parties, may be facing another bump in the road.

The system, which was set for limited release early next year, is on President Trump’s chopping block, thanks to newly proposed budget cuts.

Luckily, both Republicans and Democrats have rallied behind the early earthquake warning system and are working to save it.

Both parties are asking for a reversal of these budget cuts, and requesting that Congress disregards President Trump’s latest budget proposals.

Thanks to a House of Representatives subcommittee, Congress is expected to approve a new budget plan that would continue funding for California's early earthquake warning system.

In May, congress appointed $10.2 million for the warning system’s present budget year … and President Trump has allocated zero dollars for next year’s budget.

The early earthquake warning system is estimated to cost $16.5 million a year to run and operate and a total of $38.2 million to build.

The earthquake warning system could give as much as a minute’s notice before the shaking of a major quake makes its way to densely populated cities and public areas.

The system would allow places like classrooms, offices, malls, amusement parks, hospitals, police stations and fire stations to have access to these alerts, saving many more lives with extra seconds to drop and cover.

Other countries around the world have already implemented similar earthquake warning systems, like Mexico and Japan.

For now, it’s important to make sure you’re doing everything you can to prepare for the next “Big One.”

“The Big One is coming,” USGS research geophysicist Ken Hudnut told the L.A. Times. “The threat of the Big One on the southern San Andreas fault – the Coachella segment, where they have the big concerts down near palm springs – that threat is especially real.”

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles earthquake retrofitting, foundation inspection, foundation repair and foundation replacement. As the founder of Julian Construction, Julian and his company have inspected over 15,000 structures.

Julian Construction routinely works with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more seismic retrofit work in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Everything You Need to Know About Earthquake Retrofitting

earthquake damage

As a California resident, you know that earthquakes pose a real threat.

As we saw with the devastating Northridge earthquake of 1994, large seismic quakes can cause serious damage to buildings and homes. Thanks to advances in structural engineering, earthquake retrofitting is one of the most efficient ways to prevent massive damage to your home – injuries and even death – in the event of a massive earthquake.

When the earth shakes, buildings are more likely to be displaced from their concrete foundation or collapse if they are not properly secured to the ground.

Earthquake retrofitting increases a building or home’s resistance to this side-to-side motion, thus incurring less damage and destruction.

There are few measures you can implement to retrofit a structure, depending on the type of construction of the building needing reinforcing.

Foundation bolting is when bolts are added, either with or without plates, to the existing wooden framing known as a sill plate. Bolts are typically attached to the wood that sits on top of the concrete. Whether the foundation is lacking bolts or if the older existing bolts are already in place and in good shape -- but too far apart -- careful installation of new foundation bolts will add strength to the structure. During the Northridge earthquake, homes lacking foundation bolts slid off their foundations and collapsed.

Cripple wall bracing is typically used to retrofit structures that have a wood-frame foundation in addition to a concrete foundation. The crawl space area located under the property and can be just a few inches in height to a few feet, and is the area below where the floor of the home is connected to its foundation. In large earthquakes, cripple wall failure was the main source of structural damage causing the first floor of a building to collapse to the ground level. During a retrofit, the cripple wall is braced to keep it from giving out during a quake. By adding structural grade plywood framing to the wood framed foundation (known as a shear wall) the house will be able to withstand the side-to-side or back-and-forth shaking of an earthquake.

Soft story retrofits are typically used on multi-family apartment structures, condominiums and homes that have a large open space, like a tuck-under parking, located below the first floor living area.

They’re referred to as “soft stories” because there is not enough reinforcement to protect the structure from the movement of an earthquake. In some soft story retrofits, a contractor will install plywood to brace the walls or install a steel moment frame to secure the area.

If your home was built prior to 1950, there’s a good chance your foundation is not seismically sound. Therefore, it’s important to contact a foundation specialist to inspect the area.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

New Maps Show Major Fault Lines Run Under L.A.’s Most Expensive Real Estate

beverly hills
New fault boundaries have raised concerns for some of the priciest parts of Los Angeles.

According to new fault maps – which were released on Thursday – Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, Westwood and Century City have been included in the Newport-Inglewood fault zone.

While this isn’t news for certain areas of the Westside, the remapped fault boundaries affect some of the highest-priced real estate in L.A. and, as a result, could thwart future development of those areas because building on a fault line is restricted.

“It is important to not build on faults,” Tim Dawson, senior engineering geologist for the California Geological Survey, told the L.A. Times.

“Building foundations will tend to break when the earth moves beneath them, damaging the building in the process.”

This is the first time the California Geological Survey has released official maps of these earthquake fault lines, connecting the Hollywood fault (which runs under Hollywood and Beverly Hills) to the Newport-Inglewood fault (which runs through Culver City, Pico-Robertson and Mid City).

While the new fault boundaries could halt future development of these areas, it will not affect the current structures that already sit on or along these fault lines.

Buildings that are constructed on fault lines have a much higher risk of damage or collapse in the event of an earthquake.

The remapping of these fault lines is part of Los Angeles’ earthquake safety initiative, aiming to create more seismically safe structures and earthquake awareness throughout the city.

Once these fault maps have been finalized, developers will need to hire a geologist to determine the viability of certain parts of Los Angeles before starting construction on land near or directly on these faults.

“Extra precautions should be taken to ensure new buildings are not located on the trace of an active fault,” Dawson stressed. “The purpose of the investigation is to identify if there are active faults present, and if there are, then they must be avoided.”

If your home was built prior to 1950, there’s a good chance your foundation is not seismically sound. Therefore, it’s important to contact a foundation specialist to inspect the area.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Raymond Fault Line Creates New Fears

A new section of the Raymond fault line, which runs through Los Angeles’ northeast areas, has been redefined.

The active fault, which caused the 4.9 earthquake in Pasadena back in 1988, has now been re-mapped extending to areas West of its original location.

The California Geological Survey sent out a revised map of the Raymond fault, adding more areas of Los Angeles like Eagle Rock, Glassell Park and Highland Park within its zone.

Not only has the active area already released  fairly large earthquakes, seismologists estimate the fault line is capable of producing a size 7 quake.

If such an event occurred, we could see massive damage, injury and even death in and around northeast areas of Los Angeles and, now, locations west of the original fault zone. Seismologists also argue that such an earthquake could set off the Hollywood fault, adding more chaos to some of L.A.’s most densely populated areas.

Nevertheless, Los Angeles is committed to improving earthquake safety. New laws and regulations have ensured that older buildings throughout the city undergo retrofits and an early earthquake warning system is close to completion.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Julian Construction Offers Underpinning

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction (, a foundation repair and construction company, is offering underpinning in the Los Angeles area.

Underpinning is the method used to strengthen and stabilize the foundation of a structure, provide increased depth or to repair a faulty foundation. Underpinning is installed beneath your foundation to provide additional support to your home. Homeowners may choose this method if they are planning to add stories onto their existing structure or if their foundation has been damaged. When cracks are visible and wider than ¼ inch, underpinning is usually needed.

According to Julian Construction, there are various reasons for foundation underpinning, including to support the additional loads of a second-story addition. In some cases, the existing foundation has settled or rotated at certain points, and in other cases the interior configuration is modified, resulting in the removal or change of load-bearing walls.

“They arrived on time and completed the job just as they described. They handled everything from start to finish including permit and final inspection with the city. I did my homework before selecting a company to do this project and when they came out for the estimate, I knew I had found the right company for the job,” Eileen, a past client of Julian Construction, stated.

Julian Construction has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years. Julian owns its own company and is built on a “no middleman” model – no salesman, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323-733-3377, by fax at 323-733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog at or

Julian Construction: Three Ways to Protect Your Foundation as Seasons Change

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction (, a foundation repair and construction company, is advising the public on how to protect their foundation during each season.

As the seasons change from Winter to Summer, it’s important to check your home foundation for any signs of damage. Julian Construction says when the foundation is left unchecked and uncorrected, breaks or cracks in the foundation can lead to additional cost and can pose a risk to your structure. There are specific steps you can take to protect your foundation, including:

Check for proper drainage: To make sure rain is kept away from your foundation, check for proper and working gutters. You may find that there is debris or part of the gutter has fallen. Make sure to fix these if found. Additionally, it’s important for the drains to be pointed away from the home.

Water your soil: When it starts to become dry during the Summer, make sure to keep your soil watered. Dry soil can lead to cracking and cause foundation settlement. However, avoid excessive watering as overly wet soil can cause unwanted damage to your foundation.

Check the grading of soil: Look to see where the soil is directing your water. If it’s directing water toward your foundation, using a shovel to modify it can be an easy solution.

While taking steps to protect your foundation can help prevent future damage, sometimes a foundation will need to be repaired or replaced. “There are many good reasons for foundation replacement. Some homes were built without a steel and concrete foundation, while others were made of un-reinforced masonry, that of brick or stone. In some cases, the original concrete was made of poor quality materials or has been badly deteriorated over the years. At Julian Construction, we’re able to repair and install new foundations,” says founder, Julian De La Torre.

Julian Construction has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years. Julian owns its own company and is built on a “no middleman” model – no salesman, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323-733-3377, by fax at 323-733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog at or Choosing a Foundation Repair Contractor

By Julian De La Torre

Moisture, poor soil conditions and extreme weather can damage a foundation. Indicators of foundation problems include sticky doors and windows, wall cracks and sloping floors.

There are many ways to fix a foundation. Filling foundation cracks is always a good first step, but other types of repair may also be needed, including additional support like bolts, piles and piers.

A foundation repair contractor is the best person to resolve foundation issues. Not only will a foundation expert have the knowledge and skills to properly repair the foundation, he’ll also have the right equipment.

Choosing a good foundation specialist is important. Here are some tips on how to hire the best person for the job:

1. Make sure the contractor is licensed. Licensing requirements include both experience and know-how.
2. A professional foundation repair contractor should also be licensed and bonded.
3. Check how long the contractor has been working in your area or region. A local contractor will know the building codes for your location, and what could be causing the problem you are having with your foundation (weather, soil conditions, etc.).
4. Ask how long the contractor has specifically been doing foundation repair work.
5. The contractor you hire should also have experience in all areas of foundation repair.
6. An experienced foundation contractor will also be able to find the source of the problem and discuss all of your repair options.

When hiring a foundation repair contractor, ask for a proposal detailing all of the work that will need to done, along with pricing. When reviewing the proposal, look for any hidden fees or charges. If you get more than one proposal and there are significant differences between bids, keep asking questions until you understand why.

And remember to ask for references. When you contact former customers, ask them about the quality of the work that was done and if they were happy with the results.

Following these simple steps when hiring a contractor will ensure your foundation is repaired properly.

Julian De La Torre, expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation repair and foundation contractors (Los Angeles) and founder of Julian Construction ( in Los Angeles, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms & local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair (Los Angeles) than any other company in the area over the last five years ( Julian Construction owns its own company and is a "no middlemen" model--no salesmen or subcontractors--you get the principals of the company & its workers under your home. Learn more about Julian Construction and Los Angeles foundation repair at See their video on the importance of foundation repair

Saturday, April 1, 2017 House Leveling Tips

By Julian De La Torre

When a home starts to sink in one or more places, it can cause a myriad of problems, including wall cracks, slopping floor and doors or windows that won’t shut properly. Depending on the severity of the issue, your house may even appear unlevel when you view it from the outside.

Foundation settlement occurs for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, it is the result of changes in the soil beneath and around the structure. This can include a home that is built on soil that can’t support the building’s weight (weak bearing soil) or fill soil that wasn’t compressed sufficiently before the foundation was put in place.

Changes in the amount of moisture within the soil can also lead to settlement. As the moisture content increases, the soil will expand. When the moisture content decreases, the soil will start to dry and contract. The shrinkage creates spaces for foundation settlement.

Trees and other foliage growing near a structure can cause similar contraction problems when expanding root systems begin pulling water from the soil.

Foundation settlement can be fixed through a process known as house leveling, which restores the structure to its original level position.

There are several ways to level a home, including installing concrete pilings, pressed piling, helical piers, drilled bell piers and steel push piers.

Homes needing concrete foundation repair can also be repaired with mudjacking, a technique that involves lifting a sunken slab by pumping a mixture of “mud” underneath the foundation and pushing it up.

The entire weight of your home sits on its foundation, which is why keeping your foundation in good shape is so important. If you notice any signs of settlement, get help from an experienced foundation contractor. A professional will know how to correct the situation and address the root of the problem.

Julian De La Torre, expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair (Los Angeles) and founder of Julian Construction ( in Los Angeles, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair (Los Angeles) than any other company in the area over the last five years ( Julian Construction owns its own company and is a "no middlemen" model--no salesmen or subcontractors--you get the principals of the company & its workers under your home. Learn more about Julian Construction and Los Angeles foundation repair at See their video:

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Julian Construction Offers House Leveling

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction (, a foundation repair and foundation construction company, is offering house leveling to homeowners in the Los Angeles area.

House leveling is the process of bringing a home back to as close to its original level state as possible. Leveling a home is normally done by performing foundation repair. Over time, a home’s foundation can begin to fail. This is due to various factors such as excess moisture, poor foundation design and more. A home that is sinking at one end or has sagging floors needs to be corrected and can be fixed with house leveling.

According to Julian Construction, many homeowners live with sloping floors, doors that will not open and cracking walls. Most floors can be leveled and returned to their original position, and the work can be completed in a structurally sound manner. Julian Construction specializes in house leveling to give homeowners a safer place to live.

“This is how you run a business. I paid a fair price and got what was promised. A small army of workers showed up on time, were incredibly efficient, and cleaned up so you’d never know they were there. The foreman was patient with a nervous and exacting homeowner,” says Carol, a past client of Julian Construction.

Julian Construction has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years. Julian owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323-733-3377, by fax at 323-733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at or

Friday, March 24, 2017

5 Factors that Can Deteriorate Roofs Faster

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction (, a roofing and foundation repair and foundation construction company, is informing the public on five factors that can deteriorate roofs faster, causing problems and roof leaks.

As stated by Julian Construction, roofs are built using various types of materials such as slate, rubber slate, wood shake, asphalt and metal. Eventually, these materials of the roof will wear out over time and need repair or replacement.

While a good roof can last for a long time, there are certain factors that can accelerate the deterioration process.

See those listed below:

1. Design Issues: When a roof isn’t designed correctly in the first place, it can lead to sagging and splitting, as well as water and sediment accumulation. All of which are serious issues.

2. Improper installation: An improperly installed roof lowers the life expectancy of that roof. The issues you will encounter are similar to those found in a faulty design, such as poor drainage.

3. Poor maintenance: Maintenance is still required on even the best designed and properly installed roofs. Maintenance is needed to prevent debris from clogging drains. When this is ignored, more severe problems can occur.

4. Weathering: Certain weather conditions such as rain, wind, snow and hail, can increase the rate of deterioration. Some materials deteriorate faster than others. For example, natural roof materials will deteriorate faster than synthetic roofing in these weather conditions.

5. Flashing problems: Flashing protects and seals the places where the roof intersects with pipes, chimneys, skylights and similar objects. When flashing goes awry, more problems can occur.

“Having your roof regularly inspected by a professional contractor is an important part of the maintenance process. When roof problems are detected early, not only will the repairs usually be less costly, it can help prevent other types of damage to your home,” says founder, Julian De La Torre.

Julian Construction has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years. Julian owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323-733-3377, by fax at 323-733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at or

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Julian Construction Explains Why You May Need a Caisson Foundation for Your Hillside Property

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc., (, a foundation repair and construction company in Los Angeles, explains why hillside properties will often need a special type of foundation called a caisson foundation.

Julian De La Torre, founder, and owner of Julian Construction explains “The foundation of your home is extremely important. Both Caissons and grade beams support your foundation and are constructed by putting reinforced steel and fresh concrete into a deep shaft in the ground. They are reinforced piles which are cast in holes that are drilled through enough soil and rock layers in order to reach the desired bedrock. The work of caissoning is a process that requires drilling 24” holes into the ground all the way down to a layer of bedrock, and it is particularly critical when houses are located on unstable soil or a hill in order to stop the house from sinking.

“You shouldn’t have to worry about whether your home will be safe in the event of an earthquake. You should rest easy, knowing your home rests on a structurally sound foundation. We can inspect your home to find out what steps are needed to get it there. We offer free foundation inspections for homeowners, and for those with a higher cripple wall, we can review plans or obtain the engineering necessary for your project.”

There are regulations and safety requirements that mandate grade beams and caissons, particularly in additions, new construction, or under circumstances where repair is recommended by soil or structural engineers.

Grade beams and caissons are usually used to set piers for bridges, tall concentrated loads, structural passes, and underpasses. But they are also an important solution to prevent slides for residential homes on hillsides. Caissons are looked at as economical, versatile, and reliable foundation solution for support in Los Angeles.

De La Torre states “If you own a home on a hillside, and particularly if you suspect the house is sliding downwards, it is vital to have the home inspected by a foundation repair expert. Otherwise, your house could slowly sink an inch at a time into the soil.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at or Storms Can Cause Foundation Damage

by Julian De La Torre

Rain can seriously damage a home’s foundation. If it enters the crawl space, it can cause the wood to warp and decay.

Water can also cause the soil near a foundation to expand and contract. When the soil’s moisture content increases, it will start pressing against the foundation walls. This additional pressure can lead to cracking and bowing. As the water content decreases, it will leave spaces in the soil. Over time, the foundation will start to settle into these gaps. If the settlement is extensive or uneven, it will damage the foundation.

When rainwater collects and pools around a concrete foundation, it can start to penetrate the foundation and break down the concrete. As the concrete deteriorates, cracks will begin to appear. Foundation cracks will weaken a structure.

A heavy rain can wash away the soil around a building and underneath its foundation, which can cause the structure to sink.
Severe downpours can lead to flooding, one of most common types of natural disasters. Many areas throughout the United States, including Southern California, typically experience some type of annual flooding.

A flood will push against the sides of a building, weakening its structure and possibly even separating it from the foundation. The water will also penetrate deep into the ground, moving or breaking foundation pilings.

You should always check the condition of your foundation after a rainstorm. Look for foundation cracks or fissures. Other signs of foundation problems include doors and windows that don’t close properly, bowing walls; sloping, sagging or even floors, and gaps around window frames or exterior doors.

If you do find any indicators that your foundation has been damaged, contact a home foundation repair expert or foundation contractor immediately and request an inspection. Any foundation issues should be addressed quickly to avoid more serious problems and the need for expensive home foundation repairs.

Julian De La Torre, expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair (Los Angeles) and founder of Julian Construction ( in Los Angeles, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms & local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair (Los Angeles) than any other company in the area over the last five years ( Julian Construction owns its own company and is a "no middlemen" model--no salesmen or subcontractors--you get the principals of the company & its workers under your home. Learn more about Julian Construction and Los Angeles foundation repair at See their video: